Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Rise Beyond The Fall ( II )

Death be unconsoled,
Your dominion does betray,
A limit to your senseless path,
In unsuspecting ways;

You seize future by your grasp,
Break the thread of life,
You damage with impunity,
Wielding paths of strife;

Yet hidden in the darkness,
A spark, renewed despite,
Remembrance of the fallen,
To burn away your shadow,
And redeem a stolen light;

No grievance in your loss,
Your ruin held at bay,
The sadness in the lives you take,
Cannot go back a day;

So lost to your affliction,
Your hollow victory,
Is that which has been written,



And defiant to your call,
We hold from you contemptuously,
To rise beyond the fall.

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